World Animation Celebration
My first official photography event in California was done at the first World Animation Celebration for Animation Libation Studios! It was an awesome showcase of many animated short films, topped off with a star panel of industry experts. I got a chance to network and even take a few hundred pics as well.
Industry Credits (via Animation Libation website)
Hosted by Michael - Leon Wooley! Michael's voice is recognized in many animated films.
Special guest speaker Disney legend Floyd Norman! Floyd has made a huge impact for his contributions in the World of Animation.
James Lopez Veteran Disney Animator and creator of 'Hullabaloo', Pete Michels Supervising Director on Adult Swim’s “Rick and Morty”, Mark Aguilar Animation director on the popular "LaLaloopsy" television show, Robb Denovan Senior Animator on Pixar's upcoming film 'Inside Out' and Lee Crowe, Classic animator and storyboard artist on episodes of “Family Guy”.
Industry Credits (via Animation Libation website)
Hosted by Michael - Leon Wooley! Michael's voice is recognized in many animated films.
Special guest speaker Disney legend Floyd Norman! Floyd has made a huge impact for his contributions in the World of Animation.
James Lopez Veteran Disney Animator and creator of 'Hullabaloo', Pete Michels Supervising Director on Adult Swim’s “Rick and Morty”, Mark Aguilar Animation director on the popular "LaLaloopsy" television show, Robb Denovan Senior Animator on Pixar's upcoming film 'Inside Out' and Lee Crowe, Classic animator and storyboard artist on episodes of “Family Guy”.